

Gynecomastia Surgery (Breast Enlargement in Men) – Shared By Odisha’s Top Plastic Surgeon

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In both boys and men, Gynecomastia is a common condition. A distinct condition called pseudogynecomastia causes breast fat to accumulate, possibly as a result of being overweight or obese. Dr Susant Mishra is one of the top  Gynecomastia surgeons in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, who has MCh. Degree in Burns, Plastic & Reconstructive surgery.  Consult today if any patient needs gynecomastia surgery in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. 100% successful surgery with the best care.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes men to have enlarged or overdeveloped breasts at any age. The disorder may be brought on by hereditary factors, hormonal changes, obesity, or the use of specific drugs. It causes the breasts to enlarge abnormally. Breast glands are present in both men and women, but they are typically not visible in men. Males of any age may develop enlarged breast glands, including newborns, adolescents, and older adults. Rather than extra fat, Gynecomastia is caused by extra breast tissue. Gynecomastia breast tissue does not disappear with exercise or weight loss.

Gynecomastia is distinguished by:

  • Excessive localized fat
  • Development of glandular tissue in excess
  • A surplus of breast skin occasionally
  • Either bilaterally (both breasts) or unilaterally (one breast)

Types of Gynecomastia

There are different types of gynecomastia – including benign breast enlargement, idiopathic gynecomastia, and cancerous breast enlargement.

  1. Benign Breast Enlargement

Benign breast enlargement is a non-cancerous condition where the size of the breasts increases due to increased fat cells. It is not associated with any underlying disease and does not require treatment. However, if the patient is concerned about their appearance, they may opt for cosmetic surgery.

It is believed to be caused by increased levels of estrogen and testosterone in men. In some cases, breast enlargement may be associated with obesity or alcoholism.

  1. Idiopathic Gynecomastia

Idiopathic gynecomastia is a condition where no cause is known. It is characterized by enlarged breasts without any other symptoms. It is generally seen in young adults between the ages 20 and 30.

  1. Cancerous Breast Enlargement

Cancerous breast enlargement is a condition where the breasts become larger than normal due to the abnormal growth of cells. It is often accompanied by pain, swelling, redness, and skin irritation. If left untreated, it can lead to ulcers and infections. Malignant gynecomastia occurs when cancerous cells start developing in the breast tissue. Surgery is the only way to remove these tumors.

Causes of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is caused by a variety of factors.

An imbalance of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone may cause gynecomastia. Breast tissue grows when estrogen is present, but testosterone inhibits this growth. In this medical condition, male breasts develop due to hormonal imbalance. It is caused by excessive estrogen levels in men.

Idiopathic Gynecomastia refers to Gynecomastia that has no apparent cause in the majority of cases. But there are some things that can make Gynecomastia more likely. It is typically caused by a rise in the ratio of estrogens, a female hormone, to testosterone, a male hormone. While estrogen, the “female” hormone, causes breast tissue to grow, testosterone, the “male” hormone, inhibits estrogen’s growth in breast tissue by acting as a growth inhibitor.

According to their degree of severity, these are the four types of clinical Gynecomastia:

  1. Grade 1: Minimal enlargement, but no chest skin overhanging.
  2. Grade 2: Moderate enlargement, without extra skin on the chest.
  3. Grade 3 moderate enlargement with extra skin on the chest.
  4. Grade 4 enlargement with visible extra skin on the chest.

In men who are getting older, breast swelling can recur. Since older men have higher body fat percentages than younger men and less testosterone production, estrogen levels may rise.

Some males may develop the condition as a result of using drugs or herbal remedies like:

  • Anabolizing steroids.
  • Ulcer-treating drugs.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • Medications for treating anxiety, such as diazepam.
  • Efavirenz, which is one of a few HIV medications.
  • Anti-androgens.
  • Calcium channel blockers, which are some medications used to treat heart disease.

Symptoms and Signs of Gynecomastia

In the majority of cases, Gynecomastia is not a serious issue. Gynecomastia can make you feel uncomfortable emotionally and lower your self-esteem. In order to conceal their condition, some men may even avoid specific physical interactions and intimate situations.

The breast gland tissue of one or both breasts may swell and become tender as symptom. It may begin as a lump or fatty tissue near the nipples of the person. The lumps typically form unevenly.

People should see a doctor if there is unusual or persistent pain, nipple discharge, swelling, or a combination of these.

Gynecomastia Diagnosis

A patient’s symptoms, medical and drug history, and possibly family history will all be brought up during a visit to the doctor. The abdomen and genitalia may also be physically examined in addition to the breast tissue.

The doctor might advise against treatment if the condition is thought to be caused by a hormone imbalance and should go away on its own.

A biopsy or blood test may be requested by the doctor if the lump is unusually large, tender, or one-sided in order to exclude breast cancer.

Additional examinations will aim to rule out alternative causes like:

  • Cyst
  • A furuncle or abscess.
  • Lipoma or hamartoma, a benign tumor.
  • Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue.
  • Hematoma is the medical term for a solid blood clot.
  • Metastasis, cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
  • A lump is caused by the destruction of fatty breast tissue, also known as fat necrosis.

Additionally, a physician may request imaging exams such as:

  • Ultrasound or mammography of the breast.
  • Chest X-rays.
  • MRI exams.
  • Sonograms of the testicles.

Options for Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia usually disappears on its own between 6 months and 2-3 years. However, a condition that is underlying might require treatment. There are several treatments for Gynecomastia depending on the type of gynecomastia. These include medications, lifestyle changes, and surgical procedures. Medications are commonly prescribed to reduce the number of hormones produced by the body. Lifestyle changes involve reducing alcohol consumption and smoking. Surgical options include liposuction, breast reduction, and breast augmentation.

Although it is uncommon, treatment options include hormone therapy to block estrogen or breast reduction surgery.

Prescription drugs to treat Gynecomastia

Tamoxifen is a medication that prevents the body’s use of the female hormone estrogen. Although it is frequently used to treat breast cancer, it can also help men who experience breast pain and breast enlargement symptoms.

Aromatase inhibitors can be used to treat or prevent Gynecomastia in post-menopausal patients who have breast or ovarian cancer, which is a common side effect of these medications.

For older males with low testosterone levels, testosterone replacement therapy can help with gynecomastia.


Both softer fatty tissue and firm, dense glandular tissue makes up the breast.

Individual differences exist in the proportion of glandular to fatty tissue in the breasts. A man with Gynecomastia might have an excess of both tissues.

Excess fatty tissue can be removed with liposuction. It entails making a small incision and inserting a tube. Excision is the surgical removal of extra glandular tissue by excising tissue with a scalpel. A scar around the nipple’s edge will typically result from this.

The incision and scar will be wider if there needs to be a significant reduction in tissue and skin.

The person may need to wear an elastic pressure garment to reduce swelling after surgery because the chest will be bruised and swollen.

People typically need six weeks to get back to their regular routines. Surgery-related complications are uncommon. Insufficient removal of breast tissue, an uneven chest contour, and diminished nipple sensation are a few of them.

A blood clot could form after excision and might need to be drained.

Types of Gynecomastia Surgeries, Bhubaneswar

Gynecomastia can be so severe that the weight of the extra breast tissue can stretch the areola (the dark skin around the nipple) and cause the breasts to droop. Surgery can be used in these cases to increase the size and position of the areola as well as remove any extra skin. By reducing the size of the male breasts, Gynecomastia surgery flattens and improves the chest contours. Reduction mammaplasty is the medical term for plastic surgery that is performed to treat gynecomastia.

There are many different types of gynecomastia surgeries. Your doctor will determine what kind of surgery is best for you based on your situation. Various types of surgeries are used as a remedy for this medical problem:

  1. Breast reduction surgery

Breast reduction surgery is performed to reduce the size of the breasts. It is done to improve the appearance of the patient’s body. A small incision is made at the top of the breast and the excess fat and glandular tissue is removed. Afterwards, the remaining breast tissue is sutured together.

  1. Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove fatty deposits from specific parts of the body. It is commonly used to treat patients who have excessive amounts of fat around their waistline, hips, thighs, buttocks, neck, arms, chin, knees, ankles, calves, and feet. Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty, suction lipectomy, or simply “suctioning.”Liposuction involves removing fat cells from specific areas of the body. It is a safe way to remove fat without damaging surrounding tissue.

  1. Male breast reduction surgery

Male breast reduction surgery is done to reduce the size of male breasts. It is done for cosmetic purposes. The procedure involves removing extra breast tissue and reshaping the chest area.Also called male mastectomy, this type of plastic surgery removes the male breast tissue. It is performed to reduce the amount of breast tissue in males.

  1. Nipple-sparing mastectomy

Nipple-sparing mastectomy is a type of plastic surgery that reduces the size of the male breast. It is performed to remove excess breast tissue while preserving the nipples.

  1. Laser

Another option is to use a laser to destroy the fatty tissue.

  1. Saline Solution

One more method is to inject saline solution under the skin to make it swell and then pull out the extra tissue.

Gynecomastia versus Fat

Breast tissue enlargement is a symptom of Gynecomastia. Hormonal changes that encourage the growth of breast tissue may be the cause. Gynecomastia has nothing to do with obesity and neither does it contribute to the buildup of body fat.

An obese or overweight person will have fat all over their body. Men may develop enlarged breasts as a result of this. But unlike gynecomastia, where tissue grows, this enlargement is brought on by fat.

Outlook of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia cases typically go away on their own, without the need for treatment. The symptoms in newborns and young boys may gradually get better and then go away.

People might need treatment in some circumstances. This might entail surgery or liposuction. The treatments are typically risk-free and unconnected to long-term health risks.

After your surgery, you will need to wear compression garments to help reduce swelling. These garments are worn 24 hours a day until the swelling goes down. You will also need to avoid strenuous activity for at least two weeks.

Most patients report of feeling much better after their surgery. However, you may experience minor side effects including bruising, soreness, and swelling around the incision site. These symptoms go away over time.

FAQ on Gynecomastia

  1. What if the medication causes Gynecomastia?

If a medication is the cause of the condition, changing to a different medication may be necessary. The condition will only last a short while if the person takes the medication as prescribed.

  1. Is Gynecomastia becoming more prevalent in India?

Gynecomastia patients are becoming more prevalent in India as a result of rising obesity rates, increased anabolic steroid use, and environmental contamination with estrogen-like substances.

  1. Who is more prone to Gynecomastia?

Both men and women have the hormones testosterone and estrogen, but men typically have higher levels of testosterone and women have higher levels of estrogen. Newborns and young boys are more susceptible to Gynecomastia due to hormonal changes during development. Nevertheless, it usually resolves itself.


Due to enlarged or overdeveloped breast tissue, Gynecomastia causes one or both breasts to grow in size in males. The condition might result from taking specific medications or from hormonal changes. Typically, symptoms go away on their own. Gynecomastia can be treated with procedures like liposuction. But for the vast majority of people, they are usually unnecessary.

For the best results with Gynecomastia surgery, choose the Dewdrops Aesthetic Center, where surgical treatment for the condition is carried out under the guidance of Dr. Susant Mishra who has MCh. Degree in Burns, Plastic & Reconstructive surgery. You can expect the best outcome for your condition.



What Are The Ways To Prepare For Rhinoplasty

What Are The Ways To Prepare For Rhinoplasty?

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The patients should be fully prepared before their rhinoplasty procedure, regardless of the internal functional surgery that improves the airway. The patient needs to know the pros and cons of the process and the thorough details of the procedure so that they do not have any further anxious behavior and complaints. The staff must always answer all of their queries.


Preparation of Rhinoplasty: What You Should DO and What you SHOULDN’T

Before any procedure, it is always important to know the DO’s and DON’Ts. The same goes for Rhinoplasty. It would be best if you cleared all your queries about the dos and don’ts by the physician. It is better to spend more and more time with your rhinoplasty surgeon. The reason is that the doctor looking into your case can discuss all the medical procedures with you better than anyone else, for example, the anesthesia, the recovery issues or side effects, etc. This is because each patient is different and has different concerns, and the doctor must look into all the worries and queries.


Things To Do Before Rhinoplasty Surgery:

For a successful and better Rhinoplasty Surgery, follow the points mentioned below:

  • Make a relaxed schedule for your surgery. Do not try to fit the surgery midst your busy schedule. Keep at least a 7 to 10 days gap before you resume your routine because you need time to recover.
  • Get an official prescription for medications and other things that must be avoided or consumed.
  • A physical test by your doctor before the surgery is preferable. It would be best if you avoided the surgeon performing the tests because your regular doctor knows more about your health and physique than the other officials. Ask for a form from the surgeon’s office, which must include all the subjects regarding one’s health and the aspects concerning Rhinoplasty, along with any surgical consequences or dosage of anesthesia.
  • It is crucial to take out time for an appointment with the anesthesiologist before the day of the surgery because the patient must have a clear conversation with the anesthesiologist to clear out any doubts or queries they might have in mind. The procedure at Ara Skin Clinic is that the patient receives a call in the evening, a day before the surgery, from the preferred anesthesiologist. The patient can directly contact the anesthesiologist if it is not done by night at 9.
  • You must fill out a preoperative form that contains the foods you should eat, the ones you should avoid, the clothes you should wear, and the details of facial cleansing the night before the surgery. It is recommendable not to carry jewelry or any other accessories at the time of the surgery. The patient must avoid aspirin intake on the day before the procedure. If you get any pimples or rashes on your nose, then inform the office immediately because pimples are infections on the skin, and no surgery can be performed when an infection has been set. The staff should provide a timeline for recovery along with all the phone numbers of the office and the surgeon.
  •  During the final meeting with the office manager, all the checklists and points covering all the ones mentioned earlier are given. The patient must submit a signed consent form along with confirmation of the time of nose surgery and the verification of the person who would be coming for the home care teaching by the recovery area staff and the confirmation of the one who would be lifting the patient.


Final Step of Rhinoplasty Preparation

It is the responsibility of the staff and plastic surgeon in Bhubaneswar to provide the patient with all the information and answer their questions regarding anesthesia, the procedure as well as the recovery because the patients are not experts in that field. We believe all patients must have their doubts cleared before coming to the clinic.

tummy tucks plastic surgery

How Tummy Tucks Have Changed Over The Years?

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Did you know that the stomach tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, has been practiced since the early 1800s? It has recently gained popularity as one of the most common cosmetic operations in the United States. Thankfully, the methods and equipment we utilize to do modern belly tucks have significantly advanced over the past few hundred years.

This brief history of stomach tucks explains how procedures have evolved and become more effective over time. Fortunately, the most recent plastic surgery methods provide even better outcomes and a quicker recovery period for men and women thinking about having an abdominal.

You didn’t have a belly button after the initial tummy tucks.

Over 200 years ago, the first abdominoplasty procedures were carried out, but not for the same reasons as today. In the early 1800s, the primary goal of this treatment was to remove extra skin from the abdomen area to conceal open wounds.

As one might expect, surgery for serious wound care wasn’t very concerned with aesthetics. As a result, individuals who underwent the initial stomach tucks frequently had no belly button. Even surgeons who started doing stomach tucks for cosmetic reasons in the late 1800s thought it would be difficult to do so while preserving the look of the belly button.

Fortunately, this perception rapidly shifted when the contemporary belly tuck began to take shape.

Early in the 20th century, tummy tucks significantly advanced.

French plastic surgeons discovered how to keep the belly button in place during a stomach tuck in 1905. Instead of making one lengthy horizontal incision across the whole belly, they realized they could employ vertical and horizontal incisions to generate little flaps through which to work. This allowed for the preservation of the belly button and produced smoother and more advanced outcomes.

Now more than ever, belly tucks may be performed.

The belly tuck has advanced significantly since the first rudimentary operations were carried out in the 1800s to cure wounds. The stomach tuck procedures today provide safer and far more effective solutions, shorten recovery and healing times, and superior yield outcomes. The most significant improvements to the contemporary belly tuck are listed here.

The drain-free tummy tuck

Before the drain-free stomach tuck method, a drain was used before every operation to avoid internal fluid buildup during and after the procedure. The patient would have to frequently clear the contents of the drain until it was eventually removed, which hindered the healing process.

The mini tummy tuck

Before the little tummy tuck became popular, a complete tummy tuck was the only option for anyone who wanted to treat any degree of drooping abdominal skin. Plastic surgeons may now tighten a small amount of extra skin below the belly button with a considerably smaller incision owing to the micro tummy tuck method, often known as a partial abdominoplasty.


The ideal stomach tuck method for you will be determined by several elements, including your natural anatomy, the findings of a physical assessment, and your desired outcomes. With this knowledge, your plastic surgeon in Bhubaneswar can assist you in selecting the procedure that could be most appropriate for you.

7 Different Nose Shapes and How They Can Be Improved with Rhinoplasty

7 Different Nose Shapes and How They Can Be Improved with Rhinoplasty

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Noses are the centerpiece of an individual’s face and play a vital role in one’s appearance. They come in different sizes, shapes and slides, and any noses are not exactly the same. However, many people want to change their noses to give them a new appearance. If a person is not satisfied with his/her own nose, he or she may lose self-confidence.

If you are interested in rhinoplasty, read on to learn more about the types of noses that can be fixed with this plastic surgery done by the highly experienced plastic surgeon in Odisha. The seven most common refinements to a nose are categorized below.

1. Pinched Nose

A pinched nose, also commonly known as a pinched nasal tip, is caused by the permanent sinking of the vestibular wall, cutting off the nostril and creating an unaesthetic winged groove on each side.

Put simply, a pinched nose is extremely narrowed in the region of the nasal tip, giving an almost “winged” appearance on each side of the nose or as if you are just pinching your nose, even when you are not. This nose shape can cause some functional issues within your nasal cavity if not corrected in the right procedure.

A pinched nose can typically result from over-plastic surgery. For example, if too much cartilage in the nasal tip region is cut, it will no longer be supported and therefore create a pinched nose. In some cases, a pinched nose shape is a hereditary problem, which means the individual is born with this type of nasal structure.

2. Humped Nose

A person with a humped nose often has a noticeable bridge. This might be due to genetics or a physical injury. If a person has uneven bone and cartilage after an injury, the shape might form into a hump. A humped nose is an easily recognizable nose shape. For many people, it may mean that the nose distracts from their other facial features and lowers their self-confidence.

A humped nose is correctible with rhinoplasty by your plastic surgeon. Your plastic surgeon would cut off excess cartilage and bone to create a straighter, smoother nose out of it to give a better appearance.

3. Plunging Tip

People with a plunging tip have a heavy-looking nose that droops downwards. It becomes more noticeable when the person smiles because of the way their cheeks and lips move, which makes it seem like the nose drops even further.

This surgery is used to correct the appearance of a nose that has a drooping tip. To correct it, Dr Sushant Mishra shortens the end of the nasal septum, trims the upper border of the nasal tip cartilages, and attach them with stitches to better support the nose.

4. Boxy Tip

When you see someone’s nose from a diagonal perspective or when their head is tipped back, you can often see the box-like configuration of the cartilage in their nose. This causes what we now call a boxy tip. The boxy tip is created using a wide and thick neck, which can be difficult to distinguish from bulbous-shaped tips since both shapes are considered thick and rectangular.

Your plastic surgeon may trim cartilage and tissue in your nose if you have a boxy tip. If they do, they will reconstruct it with an interdomal suture to bring your nasal tips closer together which depends on your requirements and treatment plan.

5. Hanging Columella

The columella is a bridge of cartilage and tissue that separate the nose. In hanging columellas, the bridge falls below the outer edge of the nose, making it seem drooping or pointed. A hanging columella can’t make the nose an appropriate look and requires a nose job for correction. This is fixed by trimming the cartilage, securing it to the lower end of the septum, and possibly lowering the nostril rims with cartilage grafts. To fix this type of problem one can get help from Dr Sushant Mishra having 12 years of experience in this field.

6. Bulbous Tip

Notably, a bulbous tip is more round, wider and lower than a boxy tip. Additionally, the lack of definition in a bulbous tip helps to distinguish it from a boxy one. Rhinoplasty can fix this type of nose shape by reshaping the tip cartilages to create a defined shape.

7. Widened Nose

Dr Sushant Mishra who specializes in correcting flattened noses is here to help you with your respective problems. This occasionally happens naturally as a person ages. If an injury causes the nose to deviate, He can help to fix the problem by reshaping the cartilage and muscle through rhinoplasty surgery.

If you are not satisfied with the shape of your nose and live in Bhubaneswar plan a rhinoplasty consultation with Dr Sushant Mishra who is a highly experienced plastic surgeon. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr Saushant Mishra has been solving the problem of individuals looking and feeling better by doing rhinoplasty surgery for years.

What are the First Steps for Scar Treatment

What are the First Steps for Scar Treatment?

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Scarring is a typical side effect of skin healing. Accidents, illnesses, skin disorders, and surgery can all cause it. The appearance of scars can be improved, and the discomfort they cause can be lessened, with a range of treatment options. Pain, irritation, restriction in movement and emotional distress – all can be eased by treatment. The kind of treatment your dermatologist or plastic surgeon in Odisha prescribes to you will also depend on the form of scar that you are having. Know about the first steps involved with the treatment of scars.

Topical medications

Typically, topical therapies are tried before more invasive ones. By easing itching and discomfort, over-the-counter topical corticosteroids, antihistamine lotions and anaesthetic ointments can aid in the maturation and healing of scars.

Surface treatments

In order to make sure that new, smoother skin layers can grow, skin resurfacing eliminates the upper damaged skin layer. Scars become less obvious as a result of an improvement in surface imperfections and uneven pigmentation.

A fast rotating tool is used in dermabrasion to manually remove the top layer of skin. This method is frequently used to reduce sun damage, age spots, acne scars, and wrinkles on the skin.

Injection treatments

Scars that are elevated, thick or red are treated with corticosteroid injections; the most severe types are known as hypertrophic or keloid scars. To lessen the itchiness, pain, and localized inflammation in the scar tissue, several tiny injections are administered. Depressed scars can be filled with filler injections. Injecting collagen and artificial substances into or beneath the scar tissue yields quick benefits.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are another method for removing superficial skin layers. From mild to deep chemical solutions are available, with deeper chemical peels producing more striking results but necessitating longer recovery times.

Surgical treatment

Surgery for scar modification can alter the placement and appearance of scars. In order to improve movement, surgery can also loosen a tight scar next to a joint. The location and size of the scar will determine whether local or general anaesthetic is used. For scar revision and excision, the scar tissue is typically completely removed, and the area is then rebuilt using a flap of good skin nearby. A skin graft derived from another area is utilized when a skin flap process cannot be performed.

Laser treatment

In laser therapy, focused light beams pulse at uneven skin to accurately remove skin layers. It can assist in reducing discoloration, giving skin a tighter, more youthful appearance, and flattening and softening scars. Although full-face treatments using low-intensity laser settings are also often performed, its precision makes it highly useful for minor facial and acne scars.

Other therapies

Vascular laser therapy and skin bleaching are additional top therapies. Tissue expanders are a different strategy that includes inserting an expandable silicone implant under the skin. Eventually, the removed scar tissue is replaced with stretched, healthy skin.

With so many scar treatment options available, it is crucial to speak with a plastic surgeon (certified by the board) to figure out which one is best for you. Therapy combinations might be suggested. Your doctor can inform you about the advantages and disadvantages of your treatment plan as well as reasonable expectations.

What to Do in Case of a Botched Botox Job

What to Do in Case of a Botched Botox Job?

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When you choose to receive a Botox treatment or undergo any other cosmetic procedure, you want to come out better or younger. However, when your outcomes fall short of your expectations, it is normal that you would look for a way to enhance your appearance and possibly reverse your therapy. What then can you do to correct a failed Botox procedure? Read on and find out!

Get more Botox!

If more Botox is required, do so. When facial features are drooping or sagging, further Botox injections may be necessary to balance the treatment region.

Wait for some time

Regrettably, you will have to wait until the product wears away naturally if too much Botox was administered in the first place and it left you with an artificial or “frozen” appearance. The full fading of Botox effects can take three to six months.

Go for Hyaluronic acid fillers

In case you have never had anti-aging injections before and are not sure if you will enjoy the effects, Hyaluronic acid fillers may be a good alternative for you because these can be removed before degenerating on their own. Your esthetician will most probably provide the enzyme hyaluronidase, which acts as a sort of countermeasure to hyaluronic acid fillers, to dissolve your treatment. The length of time it takes to dissolve depends on the initial type of dermal filler you used.

Get more Zinc

While there is no miracle element that may reverse the results of an unwanted Botox procedure right away, some minerals may enhance the outcomes of Botox. To improve the effectiveness of their treatments, several doctors advise their patients to take zinc supplements. Zinc might strengthen the impact of the process.

Get in touch with your doctor immediately

Contact your healthcare practitioner right away if you experience any severe side effects from an injectable treatment, like fainting, breathlessness, or double vision.

Remember, Prevention is better than Cure!

It can be much easier to avoid having bad results by preventing it beforehand than trying to correct a botched Botox job later. You should perform some research now on the credentials of your potential Botox provider if you have not done so already or if you are looking for a second opinion to avoid regret later.

Go for a qualified practitioner. Your Botox practitioner should be a plastic surgeon himself or directly working under one, have considerable training in administering these injections, and be qualified to do so.

Before agreeing to deal with a practitioner you have never met before, it is advisable to schedule a consultation first. This not only provides you with a chance to talk about your objectives and the specifics of your therapy but also allows you a chance to inspect the facility and make note of any potential problems beforehand.

When applied by a highly qualified and knowledgeable expert of cosmetic surgery in Bhubaneswar, Botox typically produces a natural, smooth appearance. But when done incorrectly, you have to deal with a “frozen” or artificial appearance.

It is also important for you to avoid “Botox parties,” or social gatherings where unqualified individuals inject a group of people with Botox. Despite being nonsurgical, Botox must be administered by a skilled physician in a clean setting.


Is Losing Huge number of Hairs a Day Normal?

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Hair stuck to a brush or bathroom floor: what does it mean? If you notice that your hair is falling out, then it’s time to take action. You may be concerned about your hairline and the thickness of your hair. Hair loss can be stopped by solving the problem with professional help. Severe cases may appear in men by many causes, so it’s time to get proper treatment and care for your uncontrolled hair loss.

Seeking professional help is advisable if you are losing 200-300 strands of hair each day. Here are some causes for so much hair loss in a day.

  1. Hair loss in your family before

If you have a family history of baldness, it is likely you will too. While male baldness typically starts at the crown, female hair loss will start with thinning.

2.     Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a drastic impact on your body’s growth, particularly with hair. Imbalances in hormone levels may lead to severe hair loss.

3.     Medicines Side Effects

A side effect of some medications may be hair loss. Chemotherapy drugs for cancer, antidepressants, heart medicines and others have been shown to accelerate the process of hair loss.

  1. Scalp Infections

Medications, head trauma, and other diseases can result in hair loss. Alopecia aerate, radiation therapy, ringworm infection, and excessive scratching or pulling of one’s hair are the most common reasons for hair loss

5.      Too much Stress

Your stress levels can cause your hair to thin. If you are in too much stress then it will definitely causes excessive hair loss.

6.     Styling of Hair

Chemical products used in styling your hair can cause gradual and extreme hair loss. Chemical products such as heat styling or bleach can lead to the hair falling out.

There are many types of hair loss treatments but no hair loss treatments are life-threatening, but to get the best results and your money’s worth you need to consult a professional hair transplant in Odisha.

Burn surgery in Bhubaneswar

Plastic Surgery is the Best Option for Burn Victims

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Fire burns are known to cause chronic itching and constant pain. These two issues can affect your quality of life, as you will be not able to live a painless life. One of the consequences of having an injury that leaves a burn is that they are likely to have long-term scarring, which can ultimately lead to a physical disability. By consulting with your Doctor one can choose the best according to the type of burn injury.

Procedures for Plastic surgery

Burn care specialists work with the injured in both the acute stage and secondary stages of the healing process. Burn care specialists may provide skin grafts or scars revision, which can help to reduce the appearance of burns.

Plastic surgery can often be necessary to help burn survivors who suffer from a lot of scarring. Not only does plastic surgery help with restoring daily tasks, but it also helps improve one’s appearance.

There are a number of plastic surgery options available to burn victims.

1. Skin grafts

Skin grafts can be permanent, which means you’ll take skin from another part of the body and place it where the burn victim lost theirs. Skin grafts come in many different shapes and forms, so your surgeon will choose the type that best fits your injury.

2. Tissue expansion

Scarring reduces following the injury by encouraging stretch and growth of new layers of tissue. Tissue expansion is more effective than other remedies since it encourages the body to grow in place and not be transplanted.

3. Free flap surgery

Microsurgery involves in free flap surgery which is required to reach the shape of an area and add muscle, skin or blood. It helps reconstruct an excess damaged area.

4. Scar revision

Scar revision is a surgical process that removes any excess scar tissue that’s preventing you from moving. Scar removal will improve your ability to move in addition to relieving tightness or pain in joints and tendons.

Plastic surgeons are always striving to improve the quality of their work. In today’s medical field, there are many different technologies used to help with healing burns, which differed from past technologies. New treatments for scars are available Dewdrops Aesthetic Center is one of the apex plastic surgery centres in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It offers the best treatment for Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery & Burns treatment by a highly experienced plastic & cosmetic surgeon (Dr Susant Mishra) at an affordable cost with 100% patient satisfaction.

hair transplant in Bhubaneswar

Important Things to Know before choosing for a Hair Transplant

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Hair loss is prevalent and the leading cause of hair loss is pattern baldness among men. It’s also prevalent among women but to a lesser extent. A lot of people opt for a hair transplant following which there are minimal to no side effects.

If you want to get a hair transplant, you should know all the information about it. This article will help you learn everything you need to know before diving in.

Five important things to know before choosing hair transplant:

1.     It’s a Procedure without any risk

Hair restoration is a noninvasive procedure where hair is transferred from a place of greater growth to the recipient area which takes a few hours to complete for the experts. The patient’s donor site has healthy hair, while the recipient are is thinner. The transplant procedure can be used on other parts of your body, such as brows and eyelashes.

2.     The Results May Depend on Quality of Your Hair

When considering a hair transplant surgery, it’s essential to look at the success rates of the process. The results depend on the quality of your donor hair. Patients with low-quality hair have a chance that their recipient region will be the same.

3.     Treating similarly both the Original Hair and the Transplanted hair

With time, your new hair will grow in the new area and get adjusted to the environment. You can then style your hair however you want it. However, as one gets older, their hair starts thinning out. In that case, the density of one’s transplanted hair will change too.

4. Proper Age for the Procedure

Before any medical or cosmetic ability, it is crucial to find out more about the process. For example, hair transplants need to be done at the age of 25-years-old. Doctors use all their knowledge when giving a transplant so that patients can have the best results and experience minimal side effects.

5. Hair Transplant process Lasts to your Lifetime

The transplanted hair is permanent and if your illness or procedure will not affect your hair, then the hair transplant is a lifelong process. There are two types of processes FUT and FUE, which you can choose as per your requirements.

Hair transplants can give the best results when done by a Hair transplant expert like Dr Susant Mishra who has experience of individually performing more than 5000 surgeries now. Dewdrops Aesthetic Center is the best for Hair transplant process. So Contact us now and get natural-looking and undetectable results by our safe hands. Leave the rest to our safe hands of Dewdrops Aesthetic Center to serve you in the best effective way.

5 questions to ask your plastic surgeon Odisha

5 Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon

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To undergo through plastic surgery itself is a very big decision and it’s life-changing. It is highly essential to choose a perfect plastic surgeon in Odisha. It is necessary that the surgeon must be highly qualified because you are going to put your life in such hands as a medical professional.

There are rising many questions in your mind which is normal. So thankfully here are some questions to help you to choose a reputed surgeon who can fulfil all your needs.

  1. Are you a Board-certified Plastic surgeon?

The patient should ask the basic question first “Are you a Board-certified surgeon?” The cosmetic surgery starts with a good conversation with the chosen doctor. This information will let you know that your surgeon has undergone years of specialized training and they have real experience in the field of plastic surgery. Unfortunately, there are many doctors who claim that they can perform plastic surgery, but they don’t actually have the certified training in such procedures. So at first, you have to ensure that your doctor obtained a specific knowledge about plastic surgery by asking this basic question. By gaining the idea about your doctor may help you to know that your surgery will perform in a secure way and your life is in safe hands.

  1. Have you done plastic surgeries before?

There are a number many types of plastic surgeries such as plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, burns and skin surgeries. Considering these types of questions you should talk with yourself about the surgery you want to undergo. By asking this type of question you can be able to know their experience and skill level.

3.     What type of anaesthesia will be used?

Another important question you have to ask your surgeon before surgery is what type of anaesthesia will be used. Whenever you undergo simple surgery the local anesthesia will work but for major surgeries, you must look at the anesthesiologist that what type of anesthesia will be used for the surgery. When you have any queries about anything better consult with your medical professionals who are going to perform the plastic surgery.

  1. How long the Surgery will run and will take to recover from the performed surgery?

Make a good conversation with your surgeon that how long the surgery will run? After knowing the timing you can have ease. Also, the recovery time is very important for the patient. Getting knowledge about the recovery process and timing, it will help the patient to go through his or her normal life and office or other.

5.    What Is The Cost Breakdown of This Procedure?

You need to ask your surgeon about the cost breakdown for your procedure, it may not be covered by insurance. You will be responsible for paying all associated fees. It is important to understand the full cost of your surgery. This will help you budget for it and not be surprised by an exorbitant bill after the surgery has already occurred. There are many associated costs to keep in mind including surgery costs, anaesthesia, operating room expense, and breast implants. Your doctor will guide you through the costs of the birth. They might also offer you payment plans if need be.

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