Things To Know To Speed Up Your Recovery After Breast Augmentation

Things To Know To Speed Up Your Recovery After Breast Augmentation

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Breast augmentation surgery provides you with life-changing results and thereby helps to make you feel more confident, comfortable and self-assured with your own body. You can consult a skilled plastic surgeon who is a specialist in the field of breast augmentation to increase the size, enhance the shape or reduce the volume of your breast.

Irrespective of how you choose to surgically modify your breast, you want the operation process to be smooth and recover as soon as possible.  You can follow basic guidelines to help you to speed up your recovery after the breast augmentation procedure.


  • After Surgery Avoid Underwire Bras For At Least 6 Weeks –

You should not wear an underwire bra after your breast augmentation surgery. This is because the underwire bras can irritate your skin and can cause the incisions to get inflamed. Moreover, the friction from the wire can also add to your pain and delay your recovery.

It is highly recommended that you opt for sports bras or lightly supportive bras that are very comfortable to wear. You should wait for your wounds to heal completely before using the underwire bra once again.


  • Keep Your Head (and Breast) Above Water

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid submerging your new incisions, whether in a bathtub or in a swimming pool. Water can lead the bacteria to enter your newly sutured skin. This, in turn, can lead to an infection that can cause complications and thereby delay the healing process. A better option is to have a warm shower as it decreases your chance of getting infected and it also helps to relax your sore chest muscles.


  • Avoid Smoking and Drinking During Your Recovery Period

Do you remember that you were advised not to smoke or drink before the breast augmentation surgery? This was recommended to ensure that you are having optimal health before the surgery. Similarly, you should also maintain this practice and avoid drinking and smoking until you fully recover.

If you smoke, then it stops the oxygen-rich blood to efficiently reach your incisions to promote your healing. Alcohol dehydrates your body and increases the risk of bleeding; drug interactions and can also cause infection.


  • Sleep On Your Back

It is recommended that you sleep on your back after you have undergone breast augmentation surgery. If you sleep on your stomach or sides then it can cause the implants to droop or shift. Moreover, it is also not very comfortable also as your breasts and nipples are very tender just after the surgery. If you sleep on your back, then it allows your incisions to remain free from irritation. If the incisions are irritated, then it can interfere with the process of healing.


  • You Should Avoid Heavy Lifting and Strenuous Upper Body Exercises

After you have undergone breast augmentation surgery; for the first six weeks, you should avoid heavy lifting and doing strenuous upper body exercises. This is because it increases your risk of bleeding and the formation of hematomas. You should also keep your blood pressure below 100 to help you recover quickly after your surgery.


Dewdrops Aesthetic Center provides you with specific instructions that you need to follow before and after your surgery. It is recommended that you plan ahead so that you can take extra care of yourself after the breast augmentation surgery. You should also keep in mind to eat the right food, drink plenty of water and get enough rest to ensure a smooth recovery process. If you need any assistance, then contact the best Cosmetic surgeon in Bhubaneswar.

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